Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ethnocentrism in the media.

I was watching television last night and was shocked to hear a particular advertisement that gives a perfect example of the ethnocentrism that is present in the media today. It was an ad for a cell phone company. The general idea of the ad was to promote that this company now offers free unlimited calling to all mobile phones regardless of what company it was. Then their spokesperson says something to the effect of " Since we live in the freest country in the world why shouldn't we have the freest cell phone plan." The comment that we live in the freest country in the world is a blatant example of ethnocentrism. Who is to say that the United States is the freest country in the world. Do we have more freedom that that of other democratic countries? The people of this country seem to think that we are better than everyone else. They seem to look down upon anything or anyone that may act different or have different values or cultures than they do. Just because a different country may have a different type of government or ethical system that does not make us any better than them? I don't think so.
Comments like this that are made in something as simple as a TV advertisement are what continues to fuel the ethnocentric view of many in our country. A message of diversity, cultural awareness, and global awareness should be portrayed instead. If our children are raised hearing these kind of messages on television how are they going to react when they get to school or into another social situation that involves different countries and cultures? Will they automatically assume they are better than everyone else because they are American? Probably so if the media continues to portray these types of messages.


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