Sunday, December 6, 2009

British Pop Culture

Earlier we studied about pop culture, and as I said then up until this course I really was not sure what exactly pop culture was. Now I realize that just about everything we seen in the media and magazines along with television shows and radio broadcasts can be called popular culture. It is known that the United States is the power house when it comes to pop culture. Many movies and TV shows that are made in the United States are broadcast around the world. Where here in this country we have a channel or two with other countries television shows and programming on it. What brings this to mind was a show I ran across on an American television channel the other night. It was some type of award show for British commercials. Apparently the British are know for their very odd and entertaining commercials. They are also popular as it can be very difficult to determine what exactly they are advertising or promoting during its running time. I think it is good that some other countries are now getting a little of their popular culture into American programming.

Another great example of British popular culture being introduced into our country is that of the woman that blew everyone's mind on the British version of "America's got Talent". She has now made it to the top of the charts here in the United States and has received quite a bit of American media attention. As we start to hear of more and more international musicians and television broadcasts maybe we can start to lose the all American attitude toward pop culture.

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