Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Clash of Conflict Resolution Styles

A couple weeks ago we studies about conflict resolution. This brought back a memory of a conflict my husband and I had not too long ago about our ways of dealing with conflict. The actual argument was over something pretty silly; who had read more with our 6 year old recently. The real argument we ended up in was how we handled the fact we were both angry with each other. I tend to want to talk out the problem right away. I will tell my side and expect the other person to tell their side and hopefully if we talk it out a resolution will be decided upon. My husband tends to just not say anything but yet make is known that he is upset with you. He will remove himself for a while then purposly walk through or around what I am doing but not speak or respond to any questions. He likes the "just drop it" phrase but won't lose his attitude he has developed because of the argument. After us each trying our conflict resolution style for a hour or so there was finally the big blow up. We ended up yelling at each other about how we each handled the situation. He didn't think it was a good idea to talk about it right away and I didn't think ignoring it was helping at all. I'm not sure if either of us really accomplished anything out of the incident at all but the study of conflict resolution brought back this memory. We actually both laugh about it now and realize it was pretty silly on both our parts. We were acting the same way that we encourage our children not to all the time. I guess we all have our bad days now and then!!

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