Sunday, November 29, 2009

Intercultural Relationships

Recently we talked about what differences there may be between intercultural and intracultural relationships. I feel there are many more challenges that a couple may face if involved in an intercultural relationship. There are still many people out there that do not agree with this type of relationship and those involved in one find themselves constantly defending their relationship. I was involved in a relationship with a black man earlier in my life. (I am white) This resulted in my first child. Unfortunately the person I was involved with chose not to participate in his sons life and I have been raising a bi-racial child without any real insight into the other side of his history or culture. When my son was 3 I married my now husband who is white. We have 3 other children and we get constant questions about my son, since he is obviously different from our other children.

I feel that a person should have the right to be in a relationship with whomever they choose without having to worry about what others may think. If people choose to enter into these relationships it can only make them a stronger more well rounded person. There is learning about the other person, their background and embracing of the cultural differences in our country. This should be celebrated not looked down upon.

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