Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Reverse Stereotyping??

Since starting this class I have realized more than ever the stereotyping, bias and discrimination that is present all around us all the time. Over the past couple months I have noticed something that is a little different than the typical stereotyping one would see. As I have said before I work as a nurse in a medically fragile/multiple impairments program in a school. This year we have 4 students two are sisters with pretty significant cognitive disabilities that are African American and come from a home with 8 children. This family lives off of public assistance and neither the mom or her current live in boyfriend work outside the home. We have a severely handicapped student who comes from a very large family. Most of her 11 siblings have special needs and are adopted. The last child has is categorized on the autism spectrum, as well as cognitively impaired and is non verbal but does communicate some with sounds and gestures. He comes from a white middle class home. I have given this detailed background as it pertains to the story. The teacher in our class is white and was born and raised in the U.S. in a Catholic family. She traveled to Morocco in her early twenties and ended up marrying a Muslim Moroccan man while there. She has since converted to the Muslim religion, but does not dress in the traditional attire and still does celebrate some christian holidays with her family. She is probably one of the least discriminatory people I know when it comes to those of other backgrounds. It is very interesting in that she is most upset usually with the middle class white parents that we deal with. We have communication problems with all the parents in our class. Some don't even bother to go through their children's work or send in snacks or lunch money. Others talk big but do little. When it comes to the African American family or the one with the many adopted special needs kids she is very accommodating and usually comes up with a reason as to why they may not be responding to our notes or calls. However, when it comes to the middle class white family she is constantly complaining about their lack of communication and unresponsiveness. Why is this? Is it really just another way of stereotyping? I think it may be. She may have the stereotype in her head that says the African American family doesn't participate as much because they are lower class African Americans. The other family is very very busy with their many children with special needs. There is the assumption that the middle class white family should be taking care of things appropriately because of their so called status. This should not be the family that is considered difficult to deal with because of this.
The teacher I am speaking of acknowledges this and can't pinpoint why it is she feels this way. She even said, jokingly "Maybe if I imagined they were Mexican or Asian I wouldn't feel so negatively toward them." This could be a case of taking anti-discrimination and negative stereotyping of minorities to the extreme.

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