Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Popular Culture Conflict

Recently in class discussion we were given the information on the University of North Dakota and the controversy surrounding its choice of mascot, which is an Indian chief head. They are called the Fighting Sioux. The explanation from the university is that it is meant as a respect toward to the Sioux Indian nation and their heritage in North Dakota. There has been controversy over the use of native American logos and mascots in sports for a while. There have been people that have taken it too a negative tone and caused uncomfortable surroundings for those who are of Sioux heritage. Does this mean that the school should not be allowed to use this logo or team name? I don't personally think so. If the name and logo is truly meant in a positive light toward that group then it should stay that way. Those who choose to inappropriately use it or mock it should be disciplined and it should be very clear that negative approaches to this are strictly not allowed. As some people noted in discussion, there doesn't seem to be an issue when it comes to Notre Dame and the Fighting Irish. Sometimes I think assuring there is no discrimination to minorities can go too far. In fact it could be seen as discrimination to some that there is always so much effort made to make sure no one of another culture is offended when there may really not be a problem to begin with. I think the Fighting Sioux and any other team should be able to keep their logo and team name. If there are those that can't handle the true meaning behind the choice of a native American or other cultural team or logo than they are the ones who should be punished. The association probably doesn't want anyone like that to be associated with them anyway.

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